
Gemini meaning
Gemini meaning

gemini meaning

It’s better to be confused than to be too attached to our viewpoints. When we open ourselves up to new energies, we can feel confused at first, and that’s okay.

Gemini meaning full#

The Gemini full Moon is a reminder that the world is full of information and knowledge that we have yet to experience. Feel how this notion can help you open your consciousness to conflicting perspectives. Just as in the yin and yang image, the yin always has a drop of yang, and vice versa, Gemini reminds us that every side has the potential to contain another opposing force. Remember, Gemini is the energy of duality, where both sides are looking for a piece of themselves in another. How can you align with Gemini’s mutable nature to become more flexible in your energy? You don’t need to concede to another person’s thoughts or ideas immediately, but it can be a very unifying experience to at least consider where they may have the information you lack. On this full Moon, acknowledge where you have become overly attached to your opinions, emotions, or perspectives. We see this energy show up in politics, but it can also show up at a family dinner party. One of the low side of this vibration is extreme division, where two parties cannot possibly consider the other’s perspective. This is also a time to look at how you have become too rigid in your opinions.

gemini meaning

If you feel that you are torn between energies, this full Moon can help you choose a path and follow it with confidence into the new year. When we are unclear about what we desire or how we want to feel, it can be challenging to manifest our visions. Become aware of any conflicting thoughts or emotions within you. Start by looking at how you can reconcile two differing viewpoints you may hold about the same thing. This full Moon is a time to communicate with both yourself and others. Where is your mind saying one thing, but your heart is saying another? Where are you feeling indecisive or insecure in your decisions? What to consider during this full Moon in GeminiĪs you work with this full Moon, feel where your energy has become divided. This full Moon in Gemini is festive and allows us to shake off any emotional upheaval of 2022 and clear the way for new, vibrant energies to enter in the new year.

gemini meaning

It inspires us to exchange energy freely with others. Gemini is one of the most social signs of the zodiac. In this energy of uncertainty, though, we can find magic and endless possibilities. There are shades of gray where nothing is clear. Gemini reminds us that we are complex creatures and not everything in this world is black or white.

gemini meaning

It is the makings of bittersweet memories, wavering opinions, and indecisiveness. If you’ve ever felt two emotions simultaneously or felt pulled in two directions, you were embodying the energy of Gemini. This energy represents the duality of the Universe that is present within each of us. Ruled by Mercury and air, Gemini is the sign of the ever-curious twins. What the full Moon in Gemini means for you It’s also a time to reflect on the past year. It’s an opportunity to open your mind and self to new vibrations that promise to usher in change over the next year. The full Moon in Gemini is the last full Moon of 2022 and, fortunately, the least emotional. Heading out the door? Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members!

Gemini meaning